Tuesday, October 27, 2020

So Many Signs

Enough is enough.
You can choose to look away, but
never again can you say I didn’t know.
You have the right to remain silent,
but I don’t
recommend it.

Stand up.
Speak out.
If you’re not outraged,
you’re not paying attention.
I can’t believe we’re still
debating this shit.
Do something.

“Protest signs posted on the gate surrounding the White House”

photo by Clay Banks, on Unsplash

 - this poem was completely crafted out of protest signs found around the Web. The actual signs can be seen here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Two of them were paraphrased from quotes by Lisa Borden and William Wilberforce.

- for Poets and Storytellers United (Weekly Scribblings #43: Found Poems and Erasures).


  1. Oh, well found! And very well put together.

  2. People from all over the world were aghast at how so many people died in the Ameica all those months ago in those protests. Much of the world now regards the US in such a different light.

    1. I think that most of the US now regards the US in such a different light *sigh*.

  3. Wow, Magaly, what a great place to find a poem! It is also a big rousing rally to action in a little poem - the best and most memorable kind.

    1. Echoed outraged makes quite the rousing riot, doesn't it?

  4. Sharp eye, polished selection Magaly. Well done.

  5. Bravo
    Nice one Magaly

    Stay safe

  6. Brilliant, creative, relevant, SO you.

  7. A really good idea, Magaly. Clever. And it worked sooo well. Would you believe someone would carry around a sign with he "S" word!! Probably a very p'd person hoping for a change.

  8. What marvelous creativity, Magaly, and ever so timely. The final two words should be shouted! Kudos

  9. AMEN!!!

    I've seen these signs in the wild as I go about my business (even little towns in PA have their share of protests too) and I love, love, love the thought of each of our signs as part of one great song of resistance.

    1. "song of resistance" sounds like an awesome title.

    2. We awe the little and the big towns in PA so much today.

  10. Something should have been done long ago, particularly that "something" should never have happened I think the world (us) operates on baby steps. Thankfully, the baby steps are getting longer and wider, and we are all getting taller. We should all have been living in peace and harmony from the beginning. I wish it had been that way. These signs should never have been necessary.

    1. Humanity has done a lot of unnecessary things, many of them to each other, many of them horrible. I hope we do better.

  11. Politically I have a different view but ... I see this was done with a lot of creativity.


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